Wednesday, July 18, 2012

back from the dead!

Yeah, I'm finally back from my horrible 40k-depression. :)
(and a couple of exams...)

So, the 6th edition is here and I'm still not 100% certain what to think of it.
On the one hand it's pretty fluffy and, on first sight, nicely written.
But on the other hand... the new wound allocation is just horrible and flyers seem pretty op right now.
We'll see how it turns out, in the next couple of weeks.

Before 6th edition came out, I've played Grey Knights at one of the last 5th edition and biggest tournaments for 40k here in Germany. (Stadtmeisterschaften)
The weekend was pure fun, it was a team tournament with 5 people per team. So, I grabbed 4 other people from my local club and so it began.
Our first day was awesome, we'd won all 3 games and placed quite high in the rankings.
On the second day we struggled. We tied one round against a pretty good team and in the last round we'd lost against the second team in the ranking. (my game in the last round was just horrible... I've got tabled and felt pretty bad about it, made a stupid mistake with my terminators and got charged by a dreadnought which was pretty much game after turn 3)
So, we ended the tournament as 4th, which was a little bit depressing because we still lead the rankings after game 4.
Shit happens.

Tomorrow will be my first game with the new edition, so I'm a little bit excited tbh. (made a lot of theory crafting + my first tournament with 6th will be this weekend!) :)

So stay tuned!

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